Let's fight this disease, let's climb for life!
( Membre d'équipe : Avertim - Mont Ventoux Climb for Life 2024 )

I am campaigning for the ALS League because ALS is a deadly disease. After being diagnosed with ALS, one loses the motor nerves that control the muscles, leading to loss of strength, paralysis of the limbs as well as difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking and breathing. The patient becomes completely trapped in his own body. The impact of this process on the patient's family and environment is very profound because of the deteriorating course of the disease.
Wat doet de ALS Liga?
The ALS League supports patients and their surroundings on a psycho-social and practical level (by deploying tools for mobility, communication, care,...) and, together with the patient, actively searches for tailor-made care and care. It informs patients and caregivers about ALS through its communication channels, organizes study days and puts a lot of effort into fundraising to support scientific research into ALS.

La Ligue SLA Belgique a.s.b.l. a été érigée par un groupe de patients et les membres de leur famille. Tous avaient besoin d’une bonne information, aide, coordination pour les soins en cas de SLA. L’association s’adresse à tous les patients SLA belges. La direction se compose exclusivement de patients SLA et de leur famille. Ils sont donc tous des experts du vécu de cette maladie avec ses conséquences directes et indirectes.